This Week in CSEd

December 6-12, 2021 is national CSEd Week

Community Announcements

* This year's standout Hour of Code Activity is Poem Art. (Suggested for grades 4+) Engage all your students by expanding the definition of poetry to contain song lyrics and memes.

* CS is Elementary is hosting mini information sessions all week! Register here

* Come support the students of Code for Fun's Hack High School as they share their first-semester projects: Saturday, Dec 18th at noon (contact Servane for link)


November 29 - December 5, 2021

Events for All

Monday 3:00 SBCSS CS Snacks: Hour of Code Preview

Tuesday 3:00 CCBE CS Office Hours on Zoom

Tuesday 5:00 CSEd Reading Group on Zoom:

Physical Computing for Children: Shifting the Pendulum Back to Papertian Ideals

Wednesday 10:00 Webinar: Visual Storytelling with Data

Wednesday 6:30 CSTA Golden Gate

Thursday 2:00 CSforCA Community Call on Zoom

Thursday 3:00 CSforCA K-12 Teaching & Learning Workgroup

Thursday 5:00 AIforCA monthly meeting on Zoom

Community Announcements

* Get your ducks in a row for Computer Science Education Week (Dec 6-12) :

🦆Choose an Hour of Code for your students (don't just give them the website and let them choose!)

🦆Add your school to the map.

🦆Prep some supplemental activities from the CSEdWeek website.

🦆Register for free CSEdWeek PD sessions.

* Everyone deserves an Hour of Code that challenges them-- even experienced programmers! Try the Regex Crossword if you dare.

November 22-28, 2021

Community Announcements

* The new Hour of Code activities are out! Spend some of your break making poetry art or collecting bananas with your family in preparation for CSEdWeek Dec 6-12.

* Engage families in CS by setting up a (free! online!) Family Code Night.

November 15-21, 2021

Community Announcements

* Start making your plans now for CSEd Week (Dec 6-12)

* The Bay Area Youth Computer Science Council's November speaker series A World of Possibilities started on Saturday with Dr. Ian Her Many Horses of CU Boulder. This week's speaker is Hopscotch CEO Samathan John.

November 8-14, 2021

Community Announcements

* Welcome, new readers from CSEdCon! It's a great time to add or update your entry in Who's Who in CA CSEd and join the CSforCA Slack.

* 17 CA counties will be building capacity for CS strategic planning at Wednesday's SCRIPT Facilitator training, sponsored by CCBE.

* All students are invited to the Bay Area Youth Computer Science Council's November speaker series A World of Possibilities (Nov 13, 20, 27 at 4PM) featuring diverse voices and career paths in CS. See attached flyer.

* Make your plans now for CSEd Week (Dec 6-12), including new workshops from KCI!

November 1-7, 2021

Community Announcements

* Many events this week, including the CSforCA community call and the CCBE CS Helpdesk Office Hours, have been preempted by CSEdCon.

* CSEdWeek is coming December 6-12, and there's a great new website!

October 25-31, 2021

Events for All

Tuesday 12PM AI4K12 9-month Update

Tuesday 3PM CCBE CS Helpdesk Office Hours

Tuesday 5PM CSEd Reading Group on Zoom

Computer Science for Multilingual Students

Friday 5:30AM NCSSM Ethics and Leadership Conference for high schoolers (see below)

Community Announcements

* The NCSSM Ethics and Leadership Conference invites high school students to join us for a virtual field trip on Friday, October 29th: Cybersecurity Implications in the Modern World. Join for the entire time, or just individual sessions. Free! Register HERE.

* The California Computer Science Project (Berkeley) is recruiting districts for the 2022 cohort of Creating the Conditions for Equitable K-12 Computer Science. Stipends!

* Help us match CS Leaders and CSTA chapters to CA counties in this crowdsourced spreadsheet.

* Many events in the first week of November, including the CSforCA community call and the CCBE CS Helpdesk Office Hours, have been cancelled because of CSEdCon.

October 18-24, 2021

Community Announcements

* Looking forward to seeing everyone at the CSforAll Summit and the #AutumnOfCS sessions at CA STEAM Symposium this week!

* The recordings from September's CSK5 Summit are now available.

* Congrats to San Diego COE for winning a California State Information Security Leader of The Year Award.

* Read the last in the series of CSforCA interviews with teenagers from the Bay Area Youth Computer Science Council.

October 11-17, 2021

Community Announcements

* October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, National Bullying Prevention Month, and Native American Heritage Month

* The CA STEAM Symposium (Oct 21-23) has an #AutumnOfCS track. There is still time to register!

October 4 - 10, 2021

Events for All

Tuesday 3PM CCBE CS Helpdesk Office Hours

Tuesday 5PM CSEd Reading Group on NOW ON ZOOM

Twenty Things to do with a Computer (Papert & Solomon 1971)

Wednesday 6:30PM CSTA Golden Gate

Thursday 2PM CSforCA Coalition Call on Zoom

Thursday 3PM CSforCA K12 Teaching and Learning Workgroup

Thursday 3:30PM CSTA Native American Heritage Month Resources Showcase

Thursday 5PM AI4CA monthly meeting on Zoom

Community Announcements

* Kapor Center's 2021 California Computer Science Access Report is out and the CSforCA data tool has been updated!

* Autumn of CS has come to California, including an administrator workshop and a CS track at the STEAM Symposium.

* San Bernardino's CS Snacks PL series is open to all!

* Nominate a 9-12 educator for NCWIT's Aspirations in Computing Award.

September 27 - October 3, 2021

Community Announcements

* October 7 is the first Thursday of the month, so add these to your calendar: CSforCA Coalition Call (2pm), CSforCA K12 Teaching & Learning Workgroup (3pm), AI4CA monthly meeting (5pm)

* Register for the next #CSsnack from San Bernardino CSS: Interactive Fiction on Oct 18

* See the whole event calendar here

September 20-26, 2021

Events for All

Tuesday 3PM CCBE CS Helpdesk Office Hours

Tuesday 4PM NCWIT Aspirations In Computing Award Info Session

Tuesday 5PM CSEd Reading Group on NOW ON ZOOM

Implementing and Assessing Teamwork (new research by Ashish and Aleata!)

Wednesday 12PM CSK5 Summit **<-Important and only an hour long!**

Wednesday 4PM Kapor Center Webinar: Inclusive & Equitable Classrooms

Community Announcements

* Celebrate Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month with these resources from CSTA

* Coming up in the CS Snacks Professional Learning Series: Code Your Own Infographics (Python) 9/27, Interactive Fiction (Ink) 10/18, Optical Illusions Exposed! (JavaScript) 11/8

* There are 3 open seats at the CA SCRIPT Facilitator Training on 11/10

* Send your administrators to Autumn of CS (online, 10/25 and 11/15)

September 13-19, 2021

Community Announcements

* Stay in the loop with CS news & policy: join CSforCA

* Thanks to all the presenters and participants at CCBE 2021! Session recordings will be available shortly.

* The data tool has been updated!

September 6-12, 2021

Community Announcements

* Send your elementary principals to the CSK5 Summit Sept 22, 12-1PM

* Register now: CSTA Cultivating a Community of Learners Summit Sept 18, 8AM-2PM

* Good luck to all the county folks presenting at the CCBE Annual Conference this weekend!